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Fatigue in Long Covid

Fatigue in Long Covid, perrin technique helps
Perrin technique helps

What is it?

Fatigue is one of the long lasting, debilitating symptoms for people who have contracted and suffer from Covid 19. People continue to suffer from brain fog, loss of energy, body malaise, respiratory issues, gut disturbances referred to as Long Covid or Post Covid Syndrome.  All symptoms commonly experienced by people with ME/CFS. 


It is a build up of toxins & inflammatory chemicals in the brain and spinal cord leading to a dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system, part of the autonomic nervous system of the body, which deals with the automatic function of the body. 

A final trigger usually a viral infection, like Covid -19  leads to a breakdown of the sympathetic nervous system's control of the lymphatic drainage leading to a reversal of the flow of toxins toward the brain and the spinal cord. The further backflow of toxins results in further disruption of the central nervous system, resulting in Long Covid. 

What are the symptoms of Long Covid/Post Covid Syndrome:


  • Physical fatigue

  • Reduction in concerntraion 

  • "Muzziness" in the head/ brain fog

  • Respiratory issues

  • Sleep problems

  • Neck, shoulder & back pain

  • Post-exertion malaise

  • Fluctuations in temperature

  • Digestive Complaints

  • Sore throats

  • Light & noise sensitivity

  • Loss of taste & smell

CFS/ME may be linked to a previous infection, like Epstein-Barr virus or Lyme disease, triggering an autoimmune response that never really shuts off. This constant state of immune activation can wreak havoc on the body's energy levels and ability to function normally. It's a tough road for those dealing with CFS/ME, as there currently isn't a one-size-fits-all treatment plan. Patients can even find themselves in a bedbound or in a wheelchair.

What treatment will be given?

The Perrin Technique is a manual method that aids the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS based on the theory that stress factors which can be physical, emotional, chemical, or immunological (such as allergies or infections) can cause excessive strain on the sympathetic nervous system, leading to ME/CFS. 

Dr Perrin believes people suffering from Long Covid/ Post Viral fatigue follow this same biomechanical problems as ME/CFS. There must have been a build up of toxins & inflammatory chemicals in the brain and spinal cord leading to a dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system, part of the autonomic nervous system of the body, which deals with the automatic function of the body. 

Covid 19 being the final trigger which led to a breakdown of the sympathetic nervous system's control of the lymphatic drainage leading to a reversal of the flow of toxins toward the brain and the spinal cord. The further backflow of toxins results in further disruption of the central nervous system. 


Dr Perrin‘s method is an advanced massage & osteopathic technique using gentle articulations, manipulation, massage and cranial techniques to guide the toxins out of the central nervous system into the lymphatic system, also referred to as "neuro- lymphatic drainage" or "the glymphatic system". Simply since it has been shown to drain toxins from the cells known as the "glia" of the brain to the lymphatics. 

Cranial and spinal techniques together with the massage of soft tissues in the head, neck back and chest together with the gentle stroking lymphatic technqiues direct all the toxins out of the lymphatic system and into the blood, where they are eventually detoxified in the liver.

Eventually, with no poisons affecting the brain, the sympathetic nervous system begins to function correctly, and providing the patient's pace and not overstrain themselves their symptoms gradually improve and in time some patients become totally symptom-free. 

Long Covid/ Post covid syndrome does not just affect you but your whole family, and thus I encourage spouses, partners or parents to come for the first appointment so that they fully understand the complexities of the disorder and also add relevant information that may help me build up a better picture of your life before and during the illness. 

The Technique was developed in 1989 by British Osteopath and neuroscientist Dr Raymond Perrin DO Ph.D. Dr Perrin's research into ME/CFS has expanded our knowledge of diagnosis and treatment of neurological physiological problems. In July 2005 he was awarded a doctorate by the University of Salford, UK for his thesis on the involvement of cerebrospinal fluid and lymphatic drainage in CFS/ME. 

In a study between 2015-16 he was instrumental to a research project published in October 2017 in the online British Medica Journal which demonstrated proof of concept of the Perrin Technique. (Hives L, Bradley A, et al.Can physical assessment techniques aid diagnosis in people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis? A diagnostic accuracy study. BMJ Open 2017;O:e017521.

He has since published paper in other major medical journals and his bestselling book, The Perrin Technique:How to beat CFS/ME was published by Hammersmith Press. 

His journey continues to excel traveling abroad in Europe, USA and the Middle East. He held a IACFS/ME Conference talking through his major breakthough regarding a potenial new function of the lymphatic system. An international team of scientists, headed by Professor Natasha Harvey from the University of South Australia's Centre for Cancer found lymphoedema is caused by blocked lymphatic vessels producing both red and white blood cells. This finding overturns longstanding belief about where our body gets its blood cells; instead of deriving them solely from stem cells,an insight uncovers a potential that the lymphatic system also produces blood. Kazenwadel J, Venugopal P, Harvey N et al. A Prox1 enhancer represses haematopoiesis in the lymphatic vasculature. Nature 2023; 614; 343-348

Dr Perrin will be publishing his new book on Long Covid, Through the looking Glass; The perrin technique of Long Covid very soon. 



Initial Consultation

The initial consultation will last for at least an hour and a half. You may like to bring a chaperone with you. 

You can expect:

  • Consultation form of an interview 

  • Physical Examination. This will include a breast examination, spinal assessment, gentle palpation of the head and abdomen.

  • A diagnosis will be made based on symptoms and the physical findings of Covid 19. 

  • Advice & appropriate treatment plan


Second Perrin Appointment

The second appointment will last for at least an hour. You may like to bring a chaperone with you. 

You can expect:

  • Thorough step- by -step demonstration of the home self massage routines; to be done by yourself or partner. 

  • Treatment for 30 minutes

  • Any additional Advice



The perrin technique for ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, fatigue in Long covid

Treatment will consist of 30 minutes weekly, unless otherwise discussed other options with your practitioner. 

You can expect:

  • Follow up chat 

  • 30 minute treatment

  • Advice

The number of treatments will be determined as per protocol in inital consultation 

Dominika P     ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Absolutely delighted to share my experience with Khush, an extraordinary osteopath who has truly transformed my life. Suffering from chronic tiredness for years. I was desperate for relief. Khush's expertise in the Perrin Protocol treatment method proved to be a game-changer. With her compassionate care and tailored approach. I felt supported every step of the way. Thanks to Khush, I've regained my vitality and zest for life. I cannot recommend her highly enough! If you're seeking genuine results and personalised care, Khush is the one to see. 

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